Dreams are the catalyst for our creative explorations.  They offer guidance, leading us toward greater engagement with the images and stories arising from the unconscious.  They also expand our awareness of soul, memory, and intuition.  It is through creative embodiment that these deeply rooted connections are recognized and relationship made with dream material.  Embodiment broadens our relationship to our dreams by amplifying imagery, story, sounds, symbols, and sensations. I’ll introduce you to the practices for the greatest self-discovery and the ways in which the creative arts in dreamwork can inspire, and support our personal journey of reclamation and renewal.

Once scheduled, you’ll receive a link in your confirmation email on Preparing for Dreamwork for your first workshop.

join me for an immersive workshop in a creative and brave space!

New Dates Coming Soon!

Movement Collage: Embodying Dream Metaphor

Explore dream symbols and narrative by learning to create a collage of movements to discover the metaphor and meaning of dream images.  The imagery and the metaphor we create through movement can be a springboard to uncover the body’s wisdom, feelings, and intuition.  Participants will gain an accessible yet in-depth tool for dream reflection and greater self-awareness through this embodiment practice. New and experienced participants are welcome! • 45

Virtual - 3 hour session. Wear comfortable clothing allowing for full-range of movement explorations. Bring journal for reflection. Participants of all physical abilities are welcome with movements being adaptable.



Dreams come to us in images, symbols, sound, color, and narrative, carrying metaphor and association that are a portal between our unconscious and waking experience. In this 90 minute workshop, participants will be introduced to the practice of dreamwork and the symbolic content in dreams that emerges to magnify our inner life.  Begin an imaginative journey of self-discovery and learn more about the transformative experience of dreamwork. Complimentary.      


Dream Talisman: Body and breath as symbol

A talisman is made and endowed with the meaning and power we give it. A dream talisman is imbued with meaning and symbology extracted from our dreams.  The talisman’s meaning is significant, highly personal, and often spiritual. It is meant to complete us in such a way that in seeing the talisman or recalling it, we are reminded of a deeper truth, of who we are, and our belonging.  Our body and breath act as metaphor for this symbolic talisman that we carry on our journey. Together we will discover the embodiment of our symbols through breath and movement. New and experienced participants are welcome! • 45

Virtual - 3 hour session. Wear comfortable clothing allowing for full-range of movement explorations. Bring journal for reflection. Participants of all physical abilities are welcome with movements being adaptable.

Workshops are interactive and participation is encouraged. Exploration is an invitation not an expectation.

Movement workshops are adaptable and for all physical abilities. All bodies are welcome.

The mythic imagination is also for organizations, the collective places where we build upon the past and dream a waking dream of the future.

Workshops are tailored for leadership development, team/community building, and wellness in a variety of organizational settings. Each workshop can be designed for single-day, seminar, retreats, or series events and are facilitated with your organizational needs in mind. For more information, please contact me with your information so that I may arrange a discovery call to learn more.

IMMERSIVE Workshops + Retreats

Dream Group Leadership

Dreaming Theatre: Story and Stage

Movement and Imagination

Dream Guardians

Ritual and Renewal

Healing Pathways


Learn more about 1-to-1 dreamwork sessions, groups, and movement classes…