Dreamwork + MOVEMENT + ART

…igniting the mythic imagination in you!

Dreams are a portal to self-discovery! They ignite our imagination and open us to a world of our own story.

Dreamwork is transformative, creative, and deeply meaningful. Dream exploration takes us on a mythic journey, where we feel more whole and connected to self and others, where we reclaim our lost and forgotten inner treasures, and where we find our own belonging, one dream at a time.

I would be honored to accompany you on your own dream journey. Explore the possibilities…

If you’re a returning client and know which service you’d like to book, visit all services to schedule your appointment, register for a group, or sign up for a workshop or class.

The dream is a journey to self-discovery where we delve deeply into our own mystery.

…and thank you for wanting to explore dreams with me. I’m Dina ‘Delaney’ Wamer and dreamwork changed my life. Dreams healed me in a way I never could have imagined and this work has brought me out of despair to a place of hope. Creative life was returned to me!

I would love to share this transformational work with you. To learn more about my journey and what other creative embodiment practices I have in store, please visit…


In this story of resiliency through adversity, I share how I look to creative connections, dreams, and personal narrative as ways of reclaiming agency.

Important Information & Disclaimer - I am not a licensed medical or mental health professional and dreamwork is not a replacement for qualified therapy. You should always consult with your doctor or counselor when it comes to your personal physical and mental health prior to beginning any services or workshops. Please read the full Disclaimer, and for my ethical practices to dreamwork please read the full Ethics statement.